SMPS Advances: April 2024

Our volunteer leaders and staff members met in Washington, D.C. on April 17, 2024, for its regularly scheduled quarterly meeting. At this meeting, a variety of strategic and operational items were discussed. These included the following:

  • Reviewing all our key financial progress on our fiscal year budget
  • Receiving an update on our strategic plan and the associated KPIs
  • Receiving a report from the Fellows Program Chair on goals, potential outcomes, and activities
  • Receiving a report from the SMPS Foundation on its activities
  • Discussing the collective insights received while attending the Society’s 2024 regional conferences
  • Engaging in an open-ended conversation with leaders about current and future challenges and opportunities for the A/E/C industries, the marketing profession, and SMPS

Following the meeting, the SMPS board members participated in the Chapter Leaders Symposium.

The board’s next in-person meeting is scheduled for June 3-5, 2024. If you have any questions regarding these matters or the Society’s board meetings, please contact SMPS Interim Chief Executive Officer, Marci D. Thompson, DES, at

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