SMPS Names New CEO

We are thrilled to share that Marci D. Thompson, DES, has been appointed chief executive officer (CEO) of the Society effective July 1, 2024.

Marci succeeds Michael Geary, CAE, who served as SMPS CEO for eight years. After Geary’s departure, the SMPS board of directors established a CEO search committee that consisted of a diverse selection of SMPS members from around the country with varied backgrounds, expertise, and professional experience.

Additionally, the board hired Vetted Solutions, an executive search firm, to help in the process. The search committee worked closely with Vetted Solutions, which sought suitable candidates to interview for the position. There was great interest in the position with 40+ candidates in the pool of applicants. Upon conclusion of the process, Marci was unanimously selected by the search committee and approved by the SMPS board of directors.

Marci has served as the interim CEO of SMPS since January 2024 and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this role. She initially joined the Society in 2015 as the senior director of education and has since assumed various leadership positions, including VP of knowledge & professional development, chief learning officer, and most recently, chief strategy officer.

A proven strategist and leader with over 20 years of experience driving innovation, revenue, and impact for associations, Marci is well-positioned to accelerate the Society’s progress and guide us into the future. She is committed to ensuring our strategic direction for growth and relevancy amidst a continually evolving A/E/C industry.

SMPS Society President Dana Lancour, FSMPS, CPSM, states that “This is a new beginning for SMPS as we look to the next 50+ years of transforming business through marketing leadership. Marci will propel the organization to new heights through her ability to create a vision, set strategic objectives, and energize our membership. Please join us in congratulating Marci on her appointment. We are confident that our organization will continue to thrive under her leadership.”

Thank you for your continued dedication and support of SMPS.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us.

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