Category: Marketer

International A/E/C Business

International A/E/C Business

As marketing manager for a national architecture firm in the late 1980s, I was tasked to work with the firm’s Columbus, OH, partners, who were exploring international markets for our

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Virtual Business Development

Virtual Business Development

Virtual business development seems to be a recently coined and common term in the A/E/C industries, as business development looks much different today than it did a couple of years

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The More Things Change

The More Things Change

Over the years, I’ve seen many folks in the A/E/C industries try to come up with new ways to win work, win clients, and fortify their brand in their respective

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Marketing: The Original Innovation Team

Marketing: The Original Innovation Team

Marketers have one of the hardest jobs in business today. Instead of just managing the brand and proposals, our responsibilities span technology, lead generation, customer experience, employee experience, and culture.

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