Category: SMPS Foundation

Don’t Blink!
SMPS Foundation

How Do You Define Leadership?

While there’s something I love about every season, spring is, by far, my favorite. The promise of new life, cool mornings and warm afternoons, the days getting a tad bit

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Don’t Blink!
SMPS Foundation

Understanding Why We Buy

A few weeks ago, I attended the SMPS Southern Regional Conference (SRC) in Oklahoma City, and it did not disappoint. Not only was it our first in-person SRC in two

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Don’t Blink!
SMPS Foundation

What’s Your Dream?

In my 20+ years of A/E/C marketing, I have yet to meet anyone who dreamed of becoming a professional services marketer (or business developer). Have you? Many of my friends

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A Last Look Back, Then Ahead
SMPS Foundation

A Last Look Back, Then Ahead

Your SMPS Foundation trustees met in Austin on July 21 for our annual planning meeting, our first in-person gathering since Build Business 2019. Little did I realize, as we left

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Embrace a New Paradigm
SMPS Foundation

Embrace a New Paradigm

For the first 4,000 years of recorded human history, everyone agreed that the sun and the other planets revolved around the earth. It wasn’t until about 1000 A.D. when a

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What’s Your 100-Mile Race?
SMPS Foundation

What’s Your 100-Mile Race?

  This past weekend, my brother-in-law completed a 100-mile run in under 24 hours (22 hours, 29 minutes, to be exact!). While I can’t answer the “why” question you’re surely

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