SMPS Member Allison Halvorson

SMPS Member Allison Halvorson

In our member spotlight, Allison Halvorson, CPSM, takes time out of her busy day to chat with SMPS. Allison, who’s communications manager at McMillen Jacobs Associates, shares the rewards of

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Shortlist Interview Skills for COVID Times

Shortlist Interview Skills for COVID Times

For decades, shortlist project interviews remained relatively static, with prospective teams meeting face to face with selection committees in a room together. Interviews started to change incrementally when Zoom and

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SMPS Advances: January 2021
Society News

SMPS Advances: November 2020

To provide transparency and expand member engagement, SMPS HQ provides an executive summary of the board of directors’ discussions and decisions following each regular meeting. The eight-member board of directors

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Living in a Spirit of Gratitude
From The Board

Living in a Spirit of Gratitude

It’s nearly Thanksgiving—my favorite time of the year. I love this holiday more than any other mainly because the expectations are spending time with family and friends, indulging in really

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Technology as Competitive Advantage

Technology as Competitive Advantage

  As people around the globe adjusted to living and working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most notable changes became increased reliance on videoconferencing technology for

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